Program Overview
The Asbestos Control Program is responsible for issuing Asbestos Project Permits and Demolition Acknowledgments for facility renovation and demolition activities while upholding the training and accreditation programs for all asbestos-related occupations in the state of Montana.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Asbestos Control Act of Montana have delegated the Department of Environmental Quality rule-making authority to ensure a clean, safe environment for the people of Montana.
The regulations DEQ administers include:
- National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) 40 CFR 61, subparts A&M
- Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) 17.74 Subchapter 3: Asbestos Control
- Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) 17.74 Subchapter 4: Asbestos Fees
- Montana Code Annotated (MCA), Title 75, Part 5
Asbestos Control Program Contacts
Department of Environmental Quality
Waste Management Bureau
PO Box 200901
Helena, MT 59620-0901
(406) 444-5300
Env. Science Specialist
Travis Biedermann (406) 444-5286
Env. Science Specialist
Ryan Foley (406) 444-1417
Env. Science Specialist
Greg Kurvink (406) 444-1436
Data Control Technician
Amanda Allen (406) 444-2886
Section Supervisor
Denise Kirkpatrick (406) 444-3983
2024 Rule Package
As of April 12th, 2024, the Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) Title 17 Chapter 74 Subchapter 3 has been updated and signed by the Secretary of State, with an immediate implementation date of April 13th, 2024. Due to a delay in publication, the program is offering this unofficial copy of the rule set until it is officially published.
New Resources
The Asbestos Control Program (ACP) is providing this document to assist owners and operators in determining the difference between an Emergency Notification and an Ordered Demolition.
Emergency Notification and Ordered Demolition Resource Link
Please contact ACP with any questions at:
General Information
General Information
Asbestos is a group of naturally occurring fibrous minerals made of long thin microscopic fibers. These fibers (Chrysotile, Amosite, Crocidolite, Anthophyllite, Actinolite, and Tremolite) have historically been added to building materials and products. If a material contains quantities greater than 1 percent asbestos, it is classified as an Asbestos-Containing Material. The word Asbestos is derived from the Greek language meaning inextinguishable.
Asbestos fibers have been added to thousands of products due to their unique properties, which include high tensile strength, flexibility, acoustical, and resistance to thermal, chemical, friction, and electrical conditions.
Asbestos-containing materials continue to be imported into the states in more than 3,600 products and may not be readily labeled as containing asbestos.
Friable Asbestos-Containing Materials are regulated due to the high potential for asbestos fiber release and exposure to human health and should be avoided or professionally removed and disposed of.
Asbestos is a known carcinogen, causing asbestos-related illnesses such as lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis.
All facilities must be thoroughly inspected by a Montana-accredited asbestos inspector before renovation or demolition activities, regardless of the age of construction.
The asbestos inspection report must be onsite for all renovation and demolition activities.
If an asbestos-containing material (ACM) is discovered in building materials in quantities greater than 10 square feet, 3 linear feet, or 3 cubic feet for a project consisting of the encapsulation, enclosure, removal, repair, renovation, transportation, or disposal of ACM becomes an asbestos project and requires a project permit from DEQ.
The owner or operator must use a Montana-accredited asbestos contractor(s) to identify, remove, and dispose of the ACM before renovation or demolition activities begin.
Asbestos in facilities is governed by multiple regulatory authorities, including the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). In many cases, jurisdictions and regulations overlap.
City or county governments such as local building permitting offices, local environmental health, or sanitarian offices may also have asbestos requirements. They should be contacted before initiating renovation or demolition activities.
Disposal facilities should be contacted to learn about their asbestos disposal requirements. Asbestos waste must be disposed of at a state-approved Class II or IV landfill. For additional information, contact the Solid Waste Program.
- EPA Asbestos Overview – the most current and complete information source for asbestos.
- CDC Asbestos ATSDR
- Libby Asbestos Information
- EPA Applicability Determination Index
- Asbestos FAQ – MT DEQ ACP and DPHHS Document
Find an Asbestos Contractor or Consultant
Find an Asbestos Contractor or Consultant
Montana Accredited Asbestos Contractor Search
Search for currently accredited asbestos contractors to conduct asbestos-related work in Montana. Only contractors who have authorized the state of Montana to publish their information publicly are displayed.
If you are an accredited contractor and would like your information published, please email the program.
See below for a list of asbestos contractors and consultant companies who continuously employ Montana-accredited individuals qualified to conduct asbestos-related work. Only companies that have authorized the state of Montana to publish their information are displayed
If a qualifying company wants their information published on this list, please email the program.
You may include the following information:
No other solicitations will be posted beyond the above content.
*Listed by city*
Columbia Falls
Safe Home Environmental
Out of State Companies
Listed below are currently certified, DEQ-approved training providers. Only companies that have authorized the state of Montana to publish their information are displayed.
Contact training providers for additional information on training course information and availability.
If a qualifying training provider wants their information published on this list, please email the program the following information:
No other solicitations will be posted beyond the above content.
Alphabetized Training Provider list
Permitting and Notification Forms
Permitting and Notification Forms
If a contractor prefers to submit a hard copy, applications may be hand delivered or sent to DEQ Financial Services by U.S. mail. All corresponding fees must be included, and the NESHAP 10 working-day notification requirement will not begin until DEQ has received all required information.
- Asbestos Project Permit and Demolition Acknowledgment Application
- Project Permit and Demolition Acknowledgment Revision
- Emergency Notification Form - PDF
- Alternate Work Practices Request - PDF
- Annual Permit Form - PDF
- Annual Permit Revision Form
- Training Provider Approval Form
- Voluntary Registration Form
- Map of Class II Landfills in Montana
Fee Rules have limited the issuance of refunds. Before submitting an application or fee, please review your application and contact the program staff if you have any questions or concerns.
If renovation or demolition activities occur outside state lines or are located on tribal lands, the notification must be submitted to EPA regional office 8.
Out of state projects wishing to dispose of Asbestos Containing Waste Materials must submit for approval an Asbestos Transport and Disposal permit.
Any waste 1% or less asbestos containing, but greater than zero must inform the disposal facility of the asbestos content.
EPA Region 8
Attn: Kristin Jendrek
1595 Wynkoop Street
Denver, CO 80202
Asbestos Project Permit Search
Search for issued asbestos project permits. This search will only display addresses that have been issued a permit for regulated asbestos activities.
The information from this search cannot be used to:
- Inquire if an inspection was completed for a site
- Inquire about asbestos or non-regulated removal for a site
Accreditations and Training Providers
Accreditations and Training Providers
There is significant work, training, and preparation to become an accredited asbestos contractor in Montana. Below is a brief overview of what the process may look like. Feel free to contact DEQ with any questions or for assistance navigating this.
- Regulations: MCA 75-2-511 – A person must complete an asbestos-related training course, from a department-approved training provider, in the asbestos discipline they are applying for.
Asbestos Disciplines in Montana
Montana has five recognized asbestos disciplines maintained by the program and authorized to complete asbestos work.
- Inspector – a person who inspects structures for asbestos-containing materials
- Contractor/Supervisor – a person who provides supervision and direction for asbestos-related activities
- Worker – a person who handles asbestos-containing materials during asbestos-related activities
- Project Designer – a person who develops the plans, specifications, and designs asbestos projects
- Management Planner – a person who develops plans for managing asbestos-containing materials in schools from kindergarten – 12th grade
Successfully Complete a Class
To apply for accreditation in Montana, you need to be currently certified in the discipline you are applying for.
For those new to the industry, you will need to take an initial class from a department-approved training provider.
For those who have taken an initial class or refresher, your certification is valid for one calendar year from your class date.
Training needs to be refreshed annually. If certification is expired greater than one year, the applicant must retake the initial training in the desired asbestos discipline.
Apply for Accreditation
Your accreditation is only valid until your certification expiration date.
With your certificate information, you must apply for accreditation for your desired discipline in Montana. Applications will only be accepted with all fields of information filled out and the correct fees
Once you have your accreditation card, you are certified to work within the related asbestos discipline in Montana.
Accreditations must be renewed annually to continue engaging in asbestos-related activities.
Considerations for New Contractors
Make sure you have the necessary disciplines and personnel to do a job
If you are considering taking on an abatement job, you need at a minimum:
- A Contractor/Supervisor to be present on-site throughout the removal
- A Project Designer to develop the abatement scope of work
- Any non-supervisor workers need a Worker accreditation to handle any materials
- For accreditation renewals, applicants must complete a Montana DEQ-approved refresher course from an approved training provider.
- For initial Montana accreditations, we will accept EPA approved courses following ARM 17.74.362(2).
- All applicants MUST hold a current certification from a Montana DEQ-approved training provider before applying for accreditation.
Applying for Accreditation
With your certificate information, you must apply for accreditation for your desired discipline in Montana. Applications will only be accepted with all fields of information filled out, documents and the correct fees.
Once you have your accreditation card, you are certified to work within the related asbestos discipline in Montana.
Accreditations must be renewed annually.
How to Apply
Applicants may apply for accreditation online or submit a hard copy form to DEQ Financial Services. An application is not considered submitted until all required fees and documents have been received by DEQ.
To apply online you will need to create an okta account.
A Personal Identification Number (PIN) will be assigned and mailed after you create an okta account and submit an initial application, with the associated fee for accreditation. This PIN is required when using online accreditation system.
As of July 2022, all contractors must create a new account on okta for all accreditations and permitting services.
Lost or forgot your PIN? Contact DEQ to request a new PIN.
First time users will need to sign up for an Okta account and add the Okta accreditation app to their dashboard by following the Okta application instructions.
Applicants are not accredited until they have received their Montana accreditation card. Accreditation cards must be available during asbestos-related activities.
Your accreditation is only valid until your certification's expiration date.
Reciprocity (Repealed)
- All out-of-state applicants must attend refresher trainings from a Montana approved Training Provider regardless of current out-of-state training. See rule 17.74.362.
Applications will only be accepted with all fields of information filled out, documentation of certification and the correct fees.
Online: Okta Online Asbestos Accreditation Service - instructions
Mail: PDF Accreditation Application Form
Should you need further assistance, please contact the program at 406-444-5300 or
Listed below are currently certified, department-approved training providers. Only companies that have authorized the state of Montana to publish their information are displayed.
Contact training providers for additional information on training course information and availability.
If a qualifying training provider wants their information published on this list, please email the program the following information:
No other solicitations will be posted beyond the above content.
Alphabetized Training Provider list
Resources and Regulatory Determination
Think Asbestos - General Asbestos Information
DEQ Contractor Guide – Information and contacts for DEQ programs
Cement Pipe Bursting – Pipe Bursting Information
Fire Training – Information on using old houses for training
Asbestos FAQ – MT DEQ ACP and DPHHS Document
Waste Shipment Record For disposal of Asbestos Containing Waste Materials
Emergency Guidance Fact Sheet: Asbestos
National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) 40 CFR 61, subparts A&M
Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) 17.74 Subchapter 3: Asbestos Control
Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) 17.74 Subchapter 4: Asbestos Fees
Stakeholder Discussions
2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
6/15/2021 Minutes | 3/15/2022 Minutes | 3/7/2023 Minutes | 5/24/2024 Minutes |
9/14/2021 Minutes | 6/14/2022 Minutes | 5/31/2023 Minutes | 12/12/2024 Minutes |
12/14/2021 Minutes | 9/13/2022 Minutes | ||
12/6/2022 Minutes |
You can find information on EPA determinations via the Applicability Determination Index on the EPA's Web Site:
Homeowner Information and Resources
No, an inspection is not required by rule or regulation. However, DEQ encourages all homeowners to have their homes inspected before any renovation or demolition activities to protect themselves, their families, and their community.
Asbestos can be found in just as many products and building materials as in a commercial facility. However, the DEQ does not regulate asbestos in single-family residences or multi-unit housing structures having four or fewer dwelling units, as defined in 40 CFR 61.141. If the residence or portion of the residence is used to offer services to the public (daycare, repair shop, public office), the structure then qualifies as a facility and is subject to regulation.
DEQ created a Guide to Residential Exemption tool for homeowners to see if their property may be considered a commercial structure.
It is essential to note that even with the residential exemption, DEQ is still a resource and is happy to discuss any questions, comments, or concerns you may have.
Email or call 406-444-5300
Asbestos in your home diagram.When a property owner is aware of asbestos-containing materials to be renovated or demolished, the contractor must be made aware of the materials to ensure proper protections and adherence to federal, state, local government, and landfill requirements, which must still be followed regardless of residential exemption.
Even though there are residential exemptions to some asbestos regulations in Montana, all homeowners are subject to disposal requirements of Class II disposal facilities.
Vermiculite and Zonolite are common insulation materials found in buildings in Montana and can be contaminated with asbestos fibers.
A program may assist qualifying homeowners with removing the material by reimbursing the percentage of the cost of abatement. Information can be found here: Home- Zonolite Attic Insulation Trust
Additional Resources
Lincoln County Asbestos Resource ProgramCenter for Disease Control and Prevention - Vermiculite