Montana Department of Environmental Quality About Us Permitting & Operator Assistance Public Participation

Petroleum Tank Cleanup

2025 Petroleum Tank Cleanup Section Consultants’ Days

Join us for the 2025 DEQ Petroleum Tank Cleanup Section Consultants’ Days on April 17 and 18 at Fairmont Hot Springs. Follow the included link to register for the meetings and reserve your rooms at Fairmont. In order to allow a sufficient amount of time to reserve hotel rooms, online registration will close on February 28, 2025. After this date you can still register to attend the presentations, but room availability may not be guaranteed.

Program Overview

The goal of the Petroleum Tank Cleanup Section is to protect human health and the environment from petroleum and hazardous substance releases from both underground and above ground storage tank systems.

  • Directs and oversees reporting, investigation, cleanup, and resolution of petroleum releases.
  • Is the technical resource for tank owners and operators (O/O), consultants, local government officials, and the public to help respond to questions or concerns about the cleanup of petroleum releases.
  • Approves the cleanup efforts of the facility O/O, assesses the potential threat to human health and the environment and provides technical assistance with corrective action.
  • Works with O/O and their identified funding source (often the PTRCB) which provides financial assistance for eligible corrective action remediation.
  • Administers other funding sources:
    • Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Trust Fund Program 
    • Petroleum Brownfields Program
    • Special Legislative Funding

HOTLINE for Reporting Leaks

Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
call 1-800-457-0568

After hours and holidays call 1-406-324-4777

NOTE: You must report to a live person.

Leaving a message does not constitute a report.


Risk Based Corrective Action Guidance (RBCA)
Technical Guidance Documents:
APH VI Calculator

APH VI Calculator

*The Air-Phase Petroleum Hydrocarbon Vapor Intrusion (APH VI) Screening Level Calculator is designed as a simple screening tool to determine if vapor intrusion exceeds generic risked-based screening levels at sites with only petroleum contamination. This calculator is not meant to be used with solvent sites or mixed waste sites containing a combination of petroleum and other sources. The results from this calculator should be considered one of the multiple lines of evidence in your vapor intrusion investigation.  Below you will find the APH VI Screening Level Calculator as well as the VI APH Calculator Discussion that explains how to use the calculator and the general assumptions used for site-specific vapor intrusion risk assessment/analysis (also found on DEQ SRS’s FAQs website).

The following are links to example field sampling forms that may be of assistance.

Landfarming Soils: Contact Solid Waste Section for permitting and monitoring requirements at 406-444-5300.

Electronic Submittals

Petroleum Tank Release Compensation Board Forms and Worksheets

The Certificate of Financial Responsibility below is required to be on file at your facility or place of business. Your compliance inspector is required to inspect it for proper record keeping.

Enforcement Spill Report

**If there is an emergency, please dial 911 to alert local services, then fill out our spill/complaint form or call DEQ Enforcement staff at (406) 444-0379.

Work Plan and Report Templates:

Standardized Abbreviated Corrective Action Work Plans and Reports:

Data Validation Guidelines

Data Validation Summary Form (This is an Adobe fillable PDF form that will not download like other PDFs. To access this form, please save the form to your local computer and open the form from the computer using the free Adobe Reader or other Adobe software.)

Financial Forms

The work plans on this table have been Submitted for Local Government Review or subsequently Approved by DEQ since January 1, 2014. They are organized chronologically by expected completion dates, and entries will be removed following completion. More information regarding implementation and scope of work is available at the links provided in the Work Plan column. If you have further questions or concerns, please contact the associated DEQ Project Manager, either at the linked email address or by calling: (406) 444-6444

Last Updated: March 25, 2025

Work plans submitted for Local Government Review.




Project Manager

Work Plan


Completion Date


Town Pump Inc. Columbus


Jonathan Love


Local Gov Review



Casey's Corner 6

Gallatin Gateway

Eric Krueger


Local Gov Review



Pintler Station


Eric Krueger


Local Gov Review



Edwards Jet Service (formerly Lynch Flying Service)


Jay Shearer


Local Gov Review



Rapley Property

Great Falls

Daphne Ryan


Local Gov Review



Whitehall Town Pump


Rachel Mindt


Local Gov Review



Pacific Coast Supply LLC

Great Falls

Latysha Pankratz


Local Gov Review



Former Shortridge Oil Company


Pat Skibicki


Local Gov Review



Former Shell Oil Bulk Plant


Pat Skibicki


Local Gov Review



Whitehall Town Pump


Rachel Mindt


Local Gov Review



Oelker's Service Station


Rachel Mindt


Local Gov Review



Horizon Resources Fairview Store 


Reed Miner


Local Gov Review



Holiday Station #267

Great Falls

Donnie McCurry


Local Gov Review



Newgard Oil Company


Eric Krueger


Local Gov Review



Shelby Distributing


Donnie McCurry


Local Gov Review



Forsyth Watering Hole (former Kum and Go)


Jay Shearer


Local Gov Review


LUST Site List

Click the links below to open, save, or print the Montana Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) list of all sites. 
If you have questions or need further information, please call PTC program support at 406-444-6434 or submit a records request through the DEQ Public Records Center.

These lists are current through February 2025.

The Spatial (Lat\Long) data is no longer accessible on the LUST List.

The data available from these lists is summary information and should be used for general purposes only. Street addresses are provided as a courtesy and should be verified by the user. 

Petroleum Cleanup Section FAQ

A. Program overview and applicable laws and rules
B. Cleanup Process-Confirmation, Investigation, Release Cleanup, Long-Term Monitoring
C. Resolving or Closing a Petroleum Tank Release

 Program overview and applicable laws and rules

A1. I have a petroleum release from a tank; what do I do now? 

If the petroleum release is from a tank system, either an underground storage tank or an above-ground storage tank, you need to call one of the following numbers within 24-hours of detecting the leak: 

  • 1-800-457-0568 From 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday (DEQ)
  • 1-406-324-4777 After-hours and holidays (Disaster and Emergency Services)

If your petroleum release is from a tanker truck that is not connected to a UST or AST system, or any other source, call the DEQ Enforcement Division at (406) 444-0379. 

A2. Who is responsible for notifying the state of a petroleum release from a tank?

An owner/operator, any person who installs or removes an UST, or who performs subsurface investigations for the presence of regulated substances, and any person who performs a tank tightness or line tightness test must notify DEQ or the Disaster and Emergency Services officer available at the phone numbers listed in the response to A1 above. 

A3. What are the most common risks to human health, safety, and the environment at a typical petroleum tank release site? 

For a release regulated under the Montana Underground Storage Tank Act (75-11 Chapter 5, MCA) or the Petroleum Storage Tank statute (75-11 Chapter 3, MCA), the most common risks at petroleum release sites are from: 

  • People potentially drinking contaminated water (either from a contaminated aquifer or permeation of a water pipe);
  • Human exposure to vapors migrating into buildings; and
  • Construction workers contacting petroleum-contaminated soil during excavation work. 

Other risks can include direct human contact with contaminated surface or subsurface soil and contaminated surface water (rivers and lakes) which may impact humans or the environment. For more information on potential risk, select the “Risk Assessment/Analysis” topic at

Cleanup Process-Confirmation, Investigation, Release Cleanup, Long-Term Monitoring

 B1. How do I hire an environmental consultant?

The Petroleum Tank Cleanup section maintains a list of environmental consultants who you can hire to assist you with your petroleum tank release. Please refer to the following webpage for names of consulting firms, phone numbers, and advice for hiring a consultant. Consultant List.

B2. Is there any financial assistance available?

Remedial efforts at petroleum tank releases that have been deemed eligible for reimbursement from the Petroleum Storage Tank Cleanup Fund are reimbursable. For more information, please visit the Petroleum Tank Release Compensation Board website.

The Department of Natural Resources (DNRC) works with DEQ in granting cleanup funds to eligible sites with environmental issues and compelling benefits to the impacted communities. The specific grant program is called Reclamation and Development Grants program and for more information on the grants available through DNRC, please visit their website at: Reclamation and Development Grants Program

DEQ and the US Environmental Protection Agency oversee Brownfields funding for investigation and cleanup to eligible petroleum release sites. For more information regarding the Montana DEQ Brownfields funding or a petroleum release’s potential eligibility for Brownfields, please visit: Montana Brownfields Program.

Resolving or Closing a Petroleum Tank Release

C1. What is required to close a petroleum release regulated by the Montana Underground Storage Tank Act (75-11 Chapter 5, MCA) or the Petroleum Storage Tank statute (75-11 Chapter 3, MCA)?

The term close or closure is synonymous with resolving the release in accordance with Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM 17.56.607(4)).

The technical guidance document for petroleum release closure provides a comprehensive look at closure requirements. Please use the following link to find the Site Closure Evaluation, Including Petroleum Mixing Zones technical guidance document: Petroleum Release Closure Categorization

C2. Does DEQ-7 contain all the chemicals found in gasoline and diesel?

No. Gasoline, diesel, and other refined petroleum products are made up of hundreds of chemicals. Only about a dozen or so of these chemicals have standards listed in DEQ-7. DEQ created and periodically updates its guidance document called Montana Tier 1 Risk Based Corrective Action Guidance for Petroleum Releases (also referred to as RBCA). In its RBCA document, DEQ has defined risk-based screening levels (RBSL) for soil and groundwater at petroleum release sites. For specific chemicals of concern, both DEQ-7 chemicals and those with calculated risk-based screening levels (RBSL), refer to the RBCA Document.

C3. What cleanup levels do petroleum release regulated by the Montana Underground Storage Tank Act (75-11 Chapter 5, MCA) or the Petroleum Storage Tank statute (75-11 Chapter 3, MCA) have to meet?

The DEQ has developed a method published in Montana Tier 1 Risk-based Corrective Action Guidance for Petroleum Releases (RBCA) to address petroleum chemicals not listed in DEQ-7. RBCA identifies concentrations of petroleum chemicals called “risk-based screening levels” or “RBSL” to evaluate risks posed to human health and the environment. Petroleum releases cleaned up to levels below RBSL are determined to be protective of human health and the environment. RBCA has been incorporated by reference into Montana tank rules addressing site closure found at ARM 17.56.608.

C4. Can a petroleum tank release regulated by the Montana Underground Storage Tank Act (75-11 Chapter 5, MCA) or the Petroleum Storage Tank statute (75-11 Chapter 3, MCA) be closed when groundwater exceeds DEQ-7 standards or RBSL, and the contamination is not migrating beyond the property boundaries?

Maybe; all groundwater is state water even that located only under the facility that is the source of the release. DEQ considers all exposure routes and all receptors before making a determination if a petroleum release is ready for closure. If no receptor is exposed to groundwater contaminated by residual petroleum fractions that have only an RBSL, the petroleum tank release could close. However, if a specific chemical listed in DEQ-7 exceeds water quality standards (such as benzene), the release will remain open until the contamination is less than the standard or until petroleum mixing zone has been approved.

C5. What is a petroleum mixing zone closure?

A petroleum mixing zone closure is a category that a petroleum tank releases regulated by the Montana Underground Storage Tank Act (75-11 Chapter 5, MCA) or the Petroleum Storage Tank statute (75-11 Chapter 3, MCA) can be resolved or closed in situations where the groundwater continues to have petroleum chemicals that exceed DEQ-7 water quality standards. A petroleum mixing zone may be granted if the owner/operator demonstrates that the release has been cleaned up to the maximum extent practicable, the groundwater contamination plume is decreasing, and there is no other risk to receptors. A petroleum mixing zone closure will allow a petroleum tank release to be closed that has a groundwater plume that exceeds water quality standards.

The Petroleum Tank Cleanup uses a guidance document to explain a petroleum mixing zone closure and the requirements needed for a petroleum tank release to be considered for such a closure. Please see the Site Closure Evaluation, Including Petroleum Mixing Zones technical guidance document for a full description: Petroleum Release Closure Categorization.

C6. What are the cleanup levels for soil?

DEQ does not have specific soil standards for petroleum contamination but has developed risk-based screening levels (RBSLs) for soil to evaluate risk to human health and the environment. Soil RBSLs are conservatively calculated to represent concentrations of the various chemicals that should not cause unacceptable risks to human health through direct contact (ingestion, inhalation, and dermal contact) and will not leach into groundwater above DEQ-7 standards or groundwater RBSLs anywhere in Montana. Soil RBSLs are available for surface soil (less than two feet deep) and deeper soils and for both residential and commercial purposes. Soil RBSLs can be used as default cleanup levels for soil. DEQ may approve other methods to evaluate risks to human health, safety, and the environment.


  • HB 189:  Revise the petroleum storage tank cleanup eligibility requirements
  • SB 46:  Increase registration fee for underground petroleum tanks
  • SB 315:  Allocate funding for petroleum tank cleanup
*Under Construction

Petroleum Tank Cleanup Contacts

Main Number: (406) 444-6444


Helena PTCS Office
1225 Cedar St.
Helena, MT 59601

Section Supervisor
Latysha Pankratz (406) 556-4512

Program Support Specialist
Tom Dodge (406) 444-6434

Database Analyst
Bailey Murray (406) 444-6423

Env Science Specialist
Rachel Mindt (406) 444-7219

Env Science Specialist
Daphne Ryan (406) 444-6728

Env Science Specialist
William Bergum (406) 444-0216

Env Science Specialist
Chris Herman (406) 444-6424

Env Science Specialist
Donnie McCurry (406) 444-6584


Billings PTCS Office
(406) 444-6444
Airport Business Park IP-9
1371 Rimtop Dr.
Billings, MT 59105-9702

Env Science Specialist
Jonathan Love (406) 247-4450

Lead Env Science Specialist
Jay Shearer (406) 247-4451

Bozeman PTCS Office
(406) 444-6444
Martel Building Ste 3B, 
220 West Lamme St.
Bozeman, MT 59715

Env Science Specialist
Eric Krueger (406)556-6280

Env Science Specialist
Latysha Pankratz (406)586-2779

Kalispell PTCS Office
(406) 444-6444
655 Timberwolf Pkwy

Kalispell, MT 59901

Lead Env Science Specialist
Reed Miner (406)755-8982